RE100 정보자료

RE100 Reporting Guidance 2023

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 208회 작성일 23-05-22 10:35



1 Reporting to RE100 in 2023

1.1 Who this guidance is for

This guidance is for member companies of the RE100 initiative that are expected to report to the initiative in 2023, and for any companies assisting them in reporting.

1.2 How this guidance should be used

Please use the following reference materials when reporting to RE100:

This guidance

The RE100 technical criteria and appendices, FAQs and document titled ‘How RE100

members are held to account’, available on the guidance page of the RE100 website

The CDP guidance page for disclosing companies

The preview of the CDP Climate Change 2023 Questionnaire your organization will respond

to (make sure to select to view the ‘RE100 initiative questions’ when generating your

questionnaire preview)

The CDP reporting guidance for the CDP Climate Change 2023 Questionnaire (make sure

to select to view the ‘RE100 initiative questions’ when generating your questionnaire




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